Slumber Medicine - Bouquet
I personally struggle with insomnia sometimes and crafting this dainty bouquet of flowers to place near the bed to help with sleep invites the healing spirit of the plants into the home and heart.
This little bundle contains: Crimson clover, Rabbits Foot Clover, Blue Scylla, White Lavender, Skullcap, Birds Eye Poppy, Mugwort, and Pearly Everlasting . (Not for consumption!)
I craft these bouquets from flowers that I grow in my garden and painstakingly forage from the verges and wilds of the Pacific Northwest. I dry everything myself and nothing is ever treated with chemicals or fixatives and I do not bleach or dye my flowers, these are their natural stunning colors. Expect some light shedding as is natural for dried materials. Treat them gently like you would a Venetian wineglass!
CARE NOTES: The shipping process can introduce moisture to the flowers and give them a wonky appearance, simply hang the bouquet upside down for a few days to re-dry. Style the bouquet gently by inserting your fingers into the center of the bouquet and reshaping.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight will fade the colors of your dried bouquet. Keep dried flowers away from windows to prevent this and they can last for years!
WARNING: keep out of reach from pets, children, and anyone who can’t be trusted about putting things in their mouth. Some of these plants can be toxic.
I personally struggle with insomnia sometimes and crafting this dainty bouquet of flowers to place near the bed to help with sleep invites the healing spirit of the plants into the home and heart.
This little bundle contains: Crimson clover, Rabbits Foot Clover, Blue Scylla, White Lavender, Skullcap, Birds Eye Poppy, Mugwort, and Pearly Everlasting . (Not for consumption!)
I craft these bouquets from flowers that I grow in my garden and painstakingly forage from the verges and wilds of the Pacific Northwest. I dry everything myself and nothing is ever treated with chemicals or fixatives and I do not bleach or dye my flowers, these are their natural stunning colors. Expect some light shedding as is natural for dried materials. Treat them gently like you would a Venetian wineglass!
CARE NOTES: The shipping process can introduce moisture to the flowers and give them a wonky appearance, simply hang the bouquet upside down for a few days to re-dry. Style the bouquet gently by inserting your fingers into the center of the bouquet and reshaping.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight will fade the colors of your dried bouquet. Keep dried flowers away from windows to prevent this and they can last for years!
WARNING: keep out of reach from pets, children, and anyone who can’t be trusted about putting things in their mouth. Some of these plants can be toxic.
I personally struggle with insomnia sometimes and crafting this dainty bouquet of flowers to place near the bed to help with sleep invites the healing spirit of the plants into the home and heart.
This little bundle contains: Crimson clover, Rabbits Foot Clover, Blue Scylla, White Lavender, Skullcap, Birds Eye Poppy, Mugwort, and Pearly Everlasting . (Not for consumption!)
I craft these bouquets from flowers that I grow in my garden and painstakingly forage from the verges and wilds of the Pacific Northwest. I dry everything myself and nothing is ever treated with chemicals or fixatives and I do not bleach or dye my flowers, these are their natural stunning colors. Expect some light shedding as is natural for dried materials. Treat them gently like you would a Venetian wineglass!
CARE NOTES: The shipping process can introduce moisture to the flowers and give them a wonky appearance, simply hang the bouquet upside down for a few days to re-dry. Style the bouquet gently by inserting your fingers into the center of the bouquet and reshaping.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight will fade the colors of your dried bouquet. Keep dried flowers away from windows to prevent this and they can last for years!
WARNING: keep out of reach from pets, children, and anyone who can’t be trusted about putting things in their mouth. Some of these plants can be toxic.